Elizabeth Cascio Honored for Excellence in Mentoring and Advising

The DeWalt H. 1921 and Marie H. Ankeny Professor in Economic Policy was awarded the Dean of the Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentoring and Advising

The Dean of Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentoring and Advising is awarded to a faculty member in recognition of outstanding contributions to Dartmouth and career distinction.

In the words of her students:

"Professor Cascio's attentiveness and commitment as a teacher-scholar fostered my interest in public economics. The time that I spent working with her a research assistant, thesis advisee, and coauthor encouraged me to pursue a career in empirical analysis."

--Paul Cornell '24


"Professor Cascio's exceptional mentorship has been instrumental in shaping my academic journey, fostering my passion for research, and inspiring me to pursue a career in economics."

--Claire McMahon '22

"Liz's mentorship gave me the expertise and confidence to pursue a career in economics that has been highly rewarding both intellectually and personally. I'm grateful that she not only opened my eyes to the type of work I could do as an economist but also guided me through each step of the process to become one."

--Ayushi Narayan '14