University College London Exchange

Study Abroad at UCL: Economics

University College London Exchange

From the UCL website:

Welcome to London! As a Study Abroad student at UCL you have access to an extensive and flexible range of subject options. Whether you are looking to focus solely on your major area of academic study, explore a more interdisciplinary route or experience something completely new, UCL can support you.

Taught by highly qualified staff, whose research informs policy advice to international governments and agencies, such as the United Nations and the World Bank, you will be welcomed to a friendly department alongside full degree students, where you can get involved with activities organized by students of the Economist's Society. Guidance is on offer from a dedicated administration team.

Learn more about / Apply to the University College London Exchange Program.

Course Approval

UCL's website has information on their course offerings for exchange students.  The registrar will handle credits and grades in the same manner it treats other transfer/exchange credits.

As with all exchange programs, students accepted into UCL's exchange should fill out the registrar's form requesting pre-approval of courses and send it to the registrar before leaving on exchange.  The department strongly recommends choosing courses that are outside your main sequence of study in economics, ideally courses that you could not take at Dartmouth.  Here is a list of previously approved courses transferred from UCL and their Dartmouth equivalents.  You may also take other UCL courses not on this list, but then you must first seek the approval from the Vice Chair before sending it to the registrar.  (If you pick only courses on the list, no Vice Chair signature is required.)

For any additional information about the program, please contact the Economics Vice Chair.