You Get What You Pay For: Schooling Incentives and Child Labor (with Maheshwor Shrestha), Journal of Development Economics 111, 2014, 196-211,
Does Minimum Age of Employment Regulation Reduce Child Labor? IZA World of Labor 73, 2014, doi: 10.15185/izawol.73
Independent Child Labor Migrants (with Maheshwor Shrestha) in A. Constant and K Zimmerman (eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Edward Elgar, 2013, 98-120.
The Impact of Minimum Age of Employment Regulation on Child Labor and Schooling (with Maheshwor Shrestha), IZA Journal of Labor Policy 1(14), December 2012.
Poverty Alleviation and Child Labor (with N. Schady), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2011, November 2012
Trade Adjustment and Human Capital Investments: Evidence from Indian Tariff Reform (with N. Pavcnik and P. Topalova), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2010, vol. 2(4): 42-75.
Selection into Worst Forms of Child Labor, Research in Labor Economics, 2010, 31, 1-32.
Trade, Child Labor, and Schooling in Poor Countries in G. Porto and B. Hoekman (eds.), Trade Adjustment Costs in Developing Countries: Impacts, Determinants, and Policy Responses, CEPR / World Bank Press, 2010.
Child Labor and the Transition Between School and Work (editor with R. Akee and K. Tatsiramos). London: Emerald, 2010.
Public Health in the Economics of Child Labor in A. Fassa, D. Parker, and T. Scanlon (eds.), Child Labour—A Public Health Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Child labor and schooling in a globalizing world: Evidence from urban India (with N. Pavcnik and P. Topalova), Journal of the European Economics Association Papers and Proceedings, 2009, 7(2-3), 498-507.
The Economics of Consumer Actions against Products with Child Labor Content in H. Hindman (ed.), The World of Child Labor, M. E. Sharpe Press, 2009, 158-162.
Children's Work and Independent Child Migration: A Critical Review (with M. Shrestha), Innocenti Working Papers 2009—19, Florence: UNICEF, 2009.
Defining Child Labour: A review of the definitions of child labour in policy research / International Labour Office, International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) - Geneva: ILO, 2009.
Economic Influences on Child Migration Decisions: Evidence from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh (with P. Salinger), Indian Growth and Development Review, 2008, 1 (1), 32-56.
Child Labor, Handbook of Development Economics Volume 4, 2008, (also available as National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper # 12926
Schooling Costs: The link between tariff reform, poverty, and educational attainment (with N. Pavcnik),, May 28, 2008.
Child Labor, in K. Reinert, R. Rajan, A. Glass, and L. Davis (eds.), Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, Princeton University Press, 2007.
Trade and Child Labour (with N. Pavcnik),, July 19, 2007.
Alternative Income Generation and Entry into Worst Forms of Child Labor, in Linking Theory and Practice to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor, (Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. DOL), 2006, pp. 69-114.
Child Labor and Schooling Responses to Anticipated Income in South Africa, Journal of Development Economics, December 2006, 81(2), 386-414, (an earlier version is NBER Working Paper #10265).
A Review of Alessandro Cigno and Furio Rosati's The Economics of Child Labour (Oxford University Press, 2005), The Journal of Economic Literature, December 2006.
Understanding Sibling Differences in Child Labor, Journal of Population Economics, 19(4), October 2006, 795-821.
Trade Liberalization and the Allocation of Labor between Households and Markets in a Poor Country (with N. Pavcnik), Journal of International Economics, July 2006, 69(2), 272-295.
International Trade and Child Labor: Cross-Country Evidence (with N. Pavcnik), Journal of International Economics, January 2006, 115-140.
Rearranging the Family? Household Composition Responses to Large Pension Receipts (with K. Mammen and D. Miller), The Journal of Human Resources 40(1), Winter 2005, 186-207, (an earlier version is NBER Working Paper #10306).
Does Child Labor Decline with Improving Economic Status? The Journal of Human Resources 40(1), Winter 2005, 77-99, (an earlier version is NBER Working Paper #10134
The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Child Labor (with N. Pavcnik), Journal of International Economics 65(2), March 2005, 401-419, (an earlier version is NBER Working Paper #8760).