- ECON 1 and ECON 10, with an average grade no lower than C
- MATH 3 (or ECON 3)
These prerequisite courses introduce students to the economic way of thinking.
"The Price System" (ECON 1) is an in-depth introduction to microeconomics, studying supply and demand in both product and factor markets. ECON 10, "Introduction to Statistical Methods," introduces the student to the basic concepts and methods of statistics. MATH 3, "Introduction to Calculus," introduces the basic ideas of differential and integral calculus. For students who place into MATH 1, the MATH 3 pre-requisite can be satisfied with ECON 3, offered in the Winter term, which covers much of the same material but focuses on economic applications of calculus.
The emphasis in the prerequisites is on fundamental ideas and problem solving. ECON 10 and MATH 3 are included in this classification because of the importance of quantitative skills in analyzing basic economic phenomena.
A student who fails to achieve the minimum grade average for the prerequisites may, with the permission of the vice chair, substitute grades in ECON 21 and ECON 20 for those in ECON 1 and ECON 10, respectively. Another statistics course may be substituted for ECON 10 with permission of the vice chair. Newly declared Econ Majors who have not previously satisfied this requirement must take Econ 10.