Patricia Anderson, "Beyond Income: What Else Predicts Very Low Food Security among Children?" (with Kristin F. Butcher, Hilary W. Hoynes, and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach) 2014.
Elizabeth Cascio, "Proposal 1: Expanding Preschool Access for Disadvantaged Children" (with Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach), The Hamilton Project-Policies to Address Poverty in America, p21 2014.
Eric Zitzewitz, "Does transparency reduce favoritism and corruption? Evidence from the reform of figure skating judging" 2014.
David Blanchflower, "Labour Market Slack in the UK" (With David N.F. Bell) 2014.
Nina Pavcnik, "Women's Role in the Swiss Economy" 2014.
David Blanchflower, "Falling Real Wages" 2014.
Diego Comin, "Technology Adoption and Growth Dynamics" 2014.
Eric Edmonds, "Does minimum age of employment regulation reduce child labor?" 2014.
Diego Comin, "From green users to green voters" 2013.
Diego Comin, "Technology diffusion: Measurement, causes and consequences" 2013.
Andreas Moxnes, "The Margins of Multinational Production and the Role of Intrafirm Trade" (with Alfonso Irarrazabal and Luca David Opromolla) Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 121, No. 1 (February 2013), pp. 74-126
David Blanchflower, "Does high Home-Ownership Impair the Labor Market?" (with Andrew J. Oswald), Peterson Institute Working Paper 13-3, May 2013.
David Blanchflower, "Does high Home-Ownership Impair the Labor Market?" (with Andrew J. Oswald), Peterson Institute Working Paper 13-3, May 2013.
Elizabeth Cascio, "The Impacts of Expanding Access to High-Quality Preschool Education" (with Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach), 2013.
Elizabeth Cascio, "Local Responses to Federal Grants: Evidence from the introduction of Title I in the South" (with Nora Gordon and Sarah Reber), 2013.
Taryn Dinkelman, "Investing in schooling in Chile: The role of information about financial aid for higher education", (with Claudia Martínez A), forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013.
James Feyrer and Bruce Sacerdote, "How Much Would US Style Fiscal Integration Buffer European Unemployment and Income Shocks? (A Comparative Empirical Analysis)," American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, May 2013.
Alan L. Gustman, (2013)." Redistribution under the Social Security benefit formula at the individual and household levels, 1992 and 2004." (with Thomas L. Steinmeier and Nahid Tabatabai), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 12, pp 127
Erzo F.P. Luttmer, "What Good is Wealth Without Health? The Effect of Health on the Marginal Utility of Consumption," (with Amy Finkelstein and Matthew J. Notowidigdo), Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(s1), pp. 221-258, January 2013.
Simone Schaner, "Price Subsidies, Diagnostic Tests, and Targeting of Malaria Treatment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial," (with Jessica Cohen and Pascaline Dupas), NBER Working Paper #17943, March 2012 (revised February, 2013).
Eric Zitzewitz, "Corporate Prediction Markets: Evidence from Google, Ford, and Firm X1" 2013.
Patricia Anderson, "Parental employment, family routines and childhood obesity" 2012.
Patricia Anderson, "Adequate (or Adipose?) Yearly Progress: Assessing the Effect of "No Child Left Behind" on Children's Obesity (Comments Welcome)" 2012.
Eric Edmonds, "Poverty Alleviation and Child Labor," (with N. Schady), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 4(4): 100-124, November 2012
Douglas Irwin, "Trade Policy Disaster: Lessons from the 1930s," MIT Press, 2012.
Robert Johnson, "Value-Added Exchange Rates," (with Rudolfs Bems), NBER Working Paper 18498, October 2012.
Erin Mansur, "What Do Emissions Markets Deliver and to Whom? Evidence from Southern California's NOx Trading Program," (with Meredith Fowlie and Stephen P. Holland), American Economic Review, Volume 102, Issue 2, April 2012, pp. 965-993.
Bruce Sacerdote, "Katrina's Children: Evidence on the Structure of Peer Effects," (with Scott Imberman and Adriana Kugler) American Economic Review, Vol. 102, No. 5 (August 2012), pp. 2048-82.
Andrew A. Samwick, "Donating the Voucher: An Alternative Tax Treatment of Private School Enrollment," NBER Working Paper No. 18525, November 2012.
Joshua Schwartzstein, "Behavioral Hazard in Health Insurance" (joint with Katherine Baicker and Sendhil Mullainathan), NBER Working Paper #18468, October 2012.
Jonathan Skinner, "Technology Growth and Expenditure Growth in Health Care," (with Amitabh Chandra), Journal of Economic Literature, 50(3):645-80, September 2012.
Jonathan Skinner, Christopher Snyder, "Spending Differences Associated with the Medicare Physician Group Practice Demonstration," (with C Colla, D Wennberg, E Meara, D Gottlieb, V Lewis and E Fisher ), JAMA 2012; 308(10):1015-1023.
Douglas Staiger, "Information and Employee Evaluation: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention in Public Schools," (with Jonah Rockoff, Thomas Kane, and Eric Taylor), American Economic Review, 102(7):3184-3213, 2012.
Eric Zitzewitz, "Forensic Economics," Journal of Economic Literature, September 2012.
,"Using Inflation to Erode the U.S. Public Debt," with J. Aizenman, Journal of Macroeconomics 33(4), 524-541, 2011. , "International Risk Sharing During the Globalization Era," with R. Flood and A. Matsumoto, Canadian Journal of Economics 45(2), 394-416, 2012.
Nina Pavcnik, "Prices, Markups and Trade Reform" (with J De Loecker, P. Goldberg, A. Khandelwal), NBER Working Paper 17925
Bruce Sacerdote, "From Natural Variation to Optimal Policy? The Importance of Endogenous Peer Group Formation," (with Scott Carrell and James West) forthcoming, Econometrica.